Focus on your strengths

& expertise

What kind of leader to you want to be?

Craft your Vision

Corporate Athletes are no different than Professional Athletes in that we all go through transitions at home and at work.

I work with individuals to craft the vision of what they want out of their career and how to get there. We focus on your strengths and areas of expertise as the foundation for what’s next.
Let’s Chat
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Set Goals

Outline where you are in your career and where you want to go.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Assess your strengths

Identify what you’re good at and what your superpower is.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Find your Purpose

Get clear your values and your WHY.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement


Go deep on the tactical steps to get you closer to your end goal.
Here's the Playbook for our coaching engagement

Identify your Network

Craft your elevator pitch and how to tap into your network.
Derika Photo
We go through so many life transitions at home and at work that can be exciting and unsettling, and I want to make that journey more rewarding. There’s so much to learn about ourselves, our teams and our organizations when in transition.

I’ve taken my experience building high-performing teams for large corporations and small startups along with many hours of training as a certified coach to help teams and individuals navigate change.

Send me a note to discuss what you’re looking for, and we can structure time that works for you.
Let’s Chat

Business Leaders